With a stay at home order in place across much of the country, many businesses are making the switch from traditional brick and mortar to online stores. Whether it has been a goal of yours for a while or you’ve been pushed into e-commerce due to the “new normal” opening an online store is a great way to bring in additional revenue, and having the right tools to help promote your brand will help you beat out the competition!
When running an online store there are still plenty of important print materials that go hand-in-hand for promoting your business and adding some final touches. Utilizing Postcards, Business Cards, Direct Mailers, and Booklets/Catalogs are great options for online businesses to reach out to new customers or to keep current customers engaged with your store.
Let’s say your online business is shipping a product to a customer, including a business card and a catalog of your other products is a great way to show off your business.
Providing direct contact with the customer will keep your store on top of mind as well as giving them a guide to your products for future reference. This allows them to keep your contact information on hand and have a place to refer to your store other than online!